The COVID-19 pandemic has caused growing cases of anxiety and depression but we're here to help you deal and overcome these issues.
Results of a 2016 study published in the Journal of the American Art Therapy Association found that just 45 minutes of creative activity can reduce your stress, regardless of artistic experience or talent.
So, we came up with some art therapy-at-home ideas! Try any of the activities below and let us know which worked for you best.

The drawing or painting should reflect where you have been, who you are today, and how you see yourself in the future.

Focus entirely on drawing or painting what you're feeling.

It doesn't matter what you end up with- all that matters is that you enjoy surrendering to the repetitive mark making. This is a mindfulness practice. A way to keep your hands occupied and let your mind settle on the task at hand allowing any of the things we have been worrying about subside for a while.

Home decor is often viewed as simply a matter of aesthetics- what looks attractive. But proponents of color psychology believe that the colors you use to decorate your home or room can have a profound effect on your emotional well-being.

The music helps to keep you focused on the present moment and also helps to provide a starting point for inspiration. For people that are cognitively focused, this can be a good exercise to encourage something different, helping them step away from planning and overthinking.

Choose images that you find soothing, calming, or even meditative and combine them to create a collage to help you relax.

No one else has to like them but you. Print and frame them to have constant reminders of the beautiful things in life.

Start thinking about yourself as a strong, capable person by drawing yourself as a warrior in this activity.

Get the most out of expressive arts therapy. Book an online therapy appointment with our US Board-Certified Expressive Arts Therapists now! +63 945 527 8090 / +63 919 896 5491